Monday 31 March 2014

Matte Vehicle Wrapping Vs Chrome Vehicle Wrapping You Decide!

Matte and Chrome are currently the most popular options when it comes to vehicle wrapping in Cambridgeshire. Research in 2010 by a vehicle wrapping company showed that ten times more people preferred chrome wrapping to matte wrapping for their vehicle but this seems to have changed in recent years.

In this article we put together reasons why a matte wrapped car is awesome, why a chrome wrapped car is awesome and then how each vehicle wrap needs to be cared for, then we allow you to decide if a matte wrapped vehicle or a chrome wrapped vehicle is the best option for you.

Instead of the traditional shiny look of a vehicle wrap, the matte wrapping on a car looks non-reflective and sleek, when a matte wrap on a vehicle is done well the car exudes the illusion of stealth and people’s attention is drawn towards it because of the understated look of the car.

However, many car enthusiasts opt for the chrome wrapping on a car. A chrome wrapped car is shiny, it’s brassy and almost mirror like in its reflective look. When a chrome wrapped vehicle is done well the finish looks almost exactly like real chrome itself.

If you choose matte wrapping for your car it is recommended that you clean your car at least twice a month (the same goes for any vinyl wrapped car) to remove any dust, dirt, bird poop or other things that may stain and damage the matte wrapping on the car. When cleaning the wrapped car make sure you opt for hand washing instead of going to a car wash machine as these can damage the wrap. If you need to give your matte wrapped car any quick touch ups this can be done quickly and easily with a can of matte finish, this will eliminate any staining that can be caused by pollen or dust and it will even remove the fingerprints of those admirers that got a little bit too close!

When it comes to caring for a chrome wrapped car this is a lot harder work. Although chrome wrapping is resistant to ordinary substances like dirt, oil, water and other things you and your car may come across daily the chrome wrap is more susceptible to scratches and such like. In very simple terms, even the slightest imperfection may not come out of a car wrapped in chrome. If your car is for display purposes then chrome may be the best option but if you are using the vehicle as a primary means of transportation then chrome wrapping may not be the best idea.

If you would like to talk about getting your vehicle wrapped in Cambridgeshire drop us a line, we would be happy to advise you on the best vehicle wrap for your car.

Monday 24 March 2014

How to Keep Your Vehicle Wrap Shiny & New?

Congratulations, you’ve realised that vehicles wraps are one of the most effective and affordable ways to get your brand out there locally. You’ve been to collect your gorgeous vinyl wrapped car and it looks fantastic, the colours and gloss are jumping off the vehicle and you know that it is impossible for your potential customers to miss you. In this article we tell you how you can keep your vinyl wrapped vehicle looking as good as new!
You want your wrapped vehicle to stand out when you are driving around so it’s important that you keep it looking fresh and shiny. Make sure you wax and polish your wrapped vehicle to give it the shine that makes it stand out. The only difference in polishing and waxing a vinyl wrapped car to an ordinary car is that vinyl can be easily damaged with abrasive polishes. Have a chat with your vehicle wrapping company and they will advise you on the best polish and wax to keep your branded vehicle looking fresh.
The rays of the sun can deteriorate the colour of the vinyl images over time so if you can keep your vehicle in the shade when you’re not using it this will help to keep the colours vibrant. If you don’t have a garage to store your branded vehicle in cover it with a thick cloth, blanket or cover as this will help to protect it from the sun rays.
Dependant on the vehicle wrapping company you choose to wrap your vehicle, a good quality vinyl graphic can last up to seven years if you follow these top tips for keeping it looking fresh.

If you are considering getting your vehicle wrapped in Cambridgeshire drop us a line and we will offer you a vinyl wrap that looks great for up to seven years, while protecting the paintwork underneath.

Monday 17 March 2014

Does Your Business Deliver Food?

We have been speaking to loads of businesses recently that deliver food to their customers, whether it’s the sandwiches delivered for work meetings, pizzas on a Friday night, curries on a Sunday night or even the food van you can grab your kebab from any time of the day or night.

These guys have been using their vans to deliver food to the hungry mouths of people in Cambridgeshire... but they’ve been using regular, run of the mill cars and vans when they could get their vehicle wrapped for less than they would imagine and therefore have free advertising wherever the food was being delivered too!
In this article we have put together some top things to consider when creating a vehicle wrap for your food delivery vehicle. Vinyl wrapping on vehicles are really effective for making your food delivery brand stand out from the rest!

It is really important to remember that colour is one of the first things a customer will see so go for bright and appealing colours. Research shows that the colour red makes people hungry but if you’re selling vegan or vegetarian foods maybe consider going for a bright green which will help show customers the freshness of the food you are delivering. Most importantly, make it impossible for your vehicle to be confused as one for another company – go unique!

There is no point having your branded vehicle driving about everywhere, making mouths water all over the county if you’re not telling the customer how to order from you. Make sure you put your company name on the vehicle along with contact details such as a website, telephone number or social media links such as facebook or twitter. You may want to consider getting a QR code designed so people can grab your details at the scan of the code?

Make sure you choose a vehicle wrapping company in Cambridgeshire that offer a professional designer, a good design can bring customers to you but a poor design can turn customers off.

It’s a fantastic idea to cover your vehicle with images of the food you sell, this is what gets people interested and as they see your wrapped vehicle drive past they will already be licking their lips at the thought of their order arriving. For this reason it is really important that you get a professional photographer to take the photos of the food for you, they are trained and experienced in making your food looks appealing in the photos. When you are blowing pictures of food up to as large as the side of a van an image from a smart phone just isn’t going to cut it!

Unlike a poster or a bill board, a vehicle has four sides so a vinyl wrap gives you the room to be as creative as you want. Speak with the vehicle wrapping company and ask them how you can make the most of the space you have. The more creative you are the more you will stand out from the competition.

Monday 10 March 2014

Is a Wrapped Vehicle Hard To Clean?

We are often asked by potential vehicle wrapping customers in Cambridgeshire if it is hard to clean a vinyl wrapped vehicle. Our customers ask us if they need to treat a vehicle wrap any different to the way in which they would treat their ordinary car. There is no real differences in cleaning a vinyl wrapped car to a normal car but we have put together some top tips for you to consider when it comes to keeping your vinyl wrapped van or car super clean.

Don’t worry – the task of maintaining that glossy shine of your vinyl graphics doesn’t require any drastic measures!

As with any car, it is highly recommended that you clean the vehicle regularly to care for the finish of the vehicle. You want to get rid of dirt, grime, dust and yuckier things such as bird poop before they get a chance to stick to the vinyl covering of your car.

When it is ‘wash day’ for your car or van it’s probably best you choose to wash it yourself instead of taking it to the car wash as these places use rough and abrasive brushes that may damage your vinyl, or the extra powerful jet sprays may encourage your vinyl to peel off or weaken.

Washing the vinyl wrapped car yourself is not a hard task and can be very enjoyable and rewarding, especially on a sunny warm day. You need to ensure you use a soft cloth to clean the car as this will avoid the risk of accidently scratching the surface of the wrap.

The products you use to wash the car should ideally be chemical free and alcohol free as you will find these products are easier to rinse off and won’t damage the exterior of your vehicle. If you would like advice on which products to use for cleaning your vinyl wrapped car in Cambridgeshire drop us a line. We are always happy to help.