Monday 4 August 2014

Vehicle wrapping vs. paint

Vehicle wrapping vs. paint
There is a very big difference between Vehicle wrapping and painting a vehicle. Vehicle Wrapping can be removed quite easily this is great if you want to change the colour quickly. Vehicle Wrapping enables you to choose the design you want, print it from the computer, you can get loads of different textures and materials. All of this can be done in a very short time.

While painting the vehicle can’t be removed easily, takes a lot of time, mainly free hand and not on computer, pay more, can be boring colours or you want different font and style, might not suit your working style, can’t be specific sometimes. Paints are typically environmentally unfriendly to both the atmosphere and humans, Colour and finish appearance may vary upon factory application due to differences in spray equipment, Wet paint applications use more electricity and more waste is generated during application due to over-spray.

Vehicle Bright offers you Free Consultation, designing, creating, printing, cutting and fitting the wrapping onto your vehicle.  Vehicle Bright does the wrapping for you and gives you your car with a unique style that suits your business and can’t be seen anywhere. Vehicle Bright also offers you the wrapping to be long lasting and safe to be removed with a very short installation time, low cost and other countless offers!

Why wrap and not paint? (7 reasons)

Cost: A high quality paint job can range from £1500.00+ to £3000.00 depending on the colour, paint shop, and quality of the paints. Professionally installed Vinyls with the highest quality materials can cost £1100 to £1500 and will have a life expectancy of 5-8 years vinyl depending. For a fraction of the cost of paint, one can choose to wrap their vehicle for as long or little as one desire.

Resale Value: Being able to maintain the manufacturers’ original paint will keep the resale value intact from a devalued exotic colour. If your company or preference is for instance a bright exotic colour, it may not be your potential buyers’ favourite colour. Having the option to keep your vehicles original factory colour will allow you to keep your resale value intact.

Countless Options: Upon purchasing your vehicle you may have wanted something different, or possibly a colour that is not available in factory paint. This is where vinyl wraps will allow all of your car fantasies to come true. With hundreds of colour choices and digitally printed custom designs, you may transform your vehicle to the way you have always wanted it. You will be able to stand out from all of the others and have a truly one of a kind vehicle. If after a few years you are looking for change once again, just have us remove it and choose a new colour! Transform your vehicle every few years and keep everyone guessing!

Installation Time: When choosing to paint your vehicle you are allowing yourself to be without transportation for up to two weeks. When it comes to wrapping a vehicle, we can have your car fully transformed within 3 days and ready to be picked back up. Don’t leave yourself stranded, wrap it!

Protection: Every covered inch of your vehicle in vinyl is protecting your factory paint from all natural hazards and weathering. This allows your paint to age naturally and not be affected by prolonged sun exposure. Vehicle wrap vinyl is a very durable material and will act as a shield. Say goodbye to stone chips, abrasion, and other natural hazards!

Easy Maintenance: Is constantly waxing your vehicle beginning to take a toll on you? Allow yourself enjoy never having to wax again! Vehicle wraps are extremely easy to maintain and will look brand new once again from only hand washing with soap and water. Another effective form of caring for your wrap is to use a microfiber rag and 70% alcohol to wash away any dirt or smudges.

Long Lasting, Safe Removal: High quality vinyls ensure a long lasting product that can also be safely removed. A wraps life is highly affected by how long it is left outside in the sun causing it to fade quicker. Keeping your vehicle in the garage will allow you to maximize your wraps life to the fullest extent. The vehicle wrap may be removed safely between the 5-8 year periods and will NOT affect your current paint.

Monday 21 July 2014

What is the best advertising method?

There are many different methods to advertise your business efficiently. But, it depends on the type of business you are running, the sector of industry you occupy and your targeted customers. However, some of the most common used ones are online, through TV, social media, radio…etc.

Local businesses would suggest that a brilliant way to advertise your business would be through vehicle wrapping, for example if you were to wrap your vehicle with unique graphics your business will appeal to more people. By wrapping your vehicle customers will build up a stronger recognition of your business. Also, the more your logo is seen by customers, the more they are going to memorise the business, logo and the company image.

Regarding that, cars and vans are always on the streets. Therefore, it is a brilliant method for advertising and you will guarantee that your business is going to be seen by everyone. To be a successful and well-known company you should advertise your business through vehicle wrapping.

Vehicle Bright offers you the best advertising method you could ever get and with the lowest prices you could find. Vehicle Bright is a company that gives its customers the opportunity to advertise their businesses in a very decent way and enables you to control the number of customers you want.  

All of our customers find Vehicle Bright as a convenient, reliable and honest company.  Also, it offers them suitable prices and time frame that meets all of their requirements. One of our customers stated ‘I am really glad that I had vehicle bright to wrap my van. There are the most experienced staff, creative design, friendly customer service that anyone can hardly find’.

Come to be one of our first customers to have this wonderful opportunity. Register yourself on our online registering form on this URL:

Monday 14 July 2014

Latest Car Wrapping Trends

Getting your car wrapped is an excellent idea, it gives you so many fantastic opportunities when it comes to aesthetics for your car, it will slow down the depreciation of your car and it can radically change the look of the car too!

In this articles we talk about the car wrapping trends of 2013, some of them are still with us now and will be for many years to come. The main reason for this is that it just looks amazing!

But don’t worry, if you’re concerned that your car wrap is a little too ‘modern’ for a future buyer then you can get the vinyl taken off and the car looks as good as new again. Even better, you can buy any car you want and we can vinyl wrap it for you – making it look as good as new!

Carbon Fibre wrapping is huge at the moment, it works really well on the high end super cars and little hatchbacks. It will look like the car has a carbon-fibre body but it can be done at the fraction of the price of a real carbon body. Some people choose to part carbon fibre wrap their car, this works really to add sporty accents to a car. Is sporty the way for you?

All the car shows and even some manufacturers are offering the ‘matt black’ look on their cars. It works really well on all sorts of cars and really gives that ‘head turning look of elegance’ to car. Is that the look you wanted?

White cars have been massively popular in recent years, not just in paint work but for vinyl wraps too. To us, we think that white car wrap just screams ‘on trend’, ‘contemporary’ and of course ‘look at me NOW’

If you’re not too sure about white because you want added luxury and elegance then perhaps you want to consider a pearlescent white wrap, this gives your car the exact same glossy look you would get on a pearl. It’s really classy and will definitely get the streets talking about you.

The chrome wrap is growing more and more popular as people realise just how much impact the look has on the car, it gets head turners everywhere because it’s a real ‘show stopping’ look. Mirrored silver chrome seems to be most popular currently, but you can have your car wrapped in the coloured chrome of your choice!

So what wrapping trend are you going to follow – drop us a line if you would like a hand deciding, we are always happy to advise.

Monday 5 May 2014

Fashion Harmonize Vehicle Bright!

Fashion harmonizes Vehicle Wraps!

Vehicle Bright will transform your vehicle and give it a whole new stunning look. Whether you're looking for something plain and subtle or something a bit more extraordinary and unique then Vehicle Bright is the place to come. We have thousands of colours and finishes of vinyl vehicle wraps from our different suppliers to choose from, as well as our very own exclusive luxury vehicle wrap range which are specially made for us. Vinyl vehicle wrapping is a fashionable and cost efficient alternative to paint spraying and with our expertise and knowledge along with our eye for creativity we can truly make your vehicle extraordinary!
Fashion is a unique element in everyone, for example everyone wear different styles of clothes that is because they think differently from others.  Vehicle Bright can reflect your character by using your taste of fashion and applying it to your vehicle wrap or even your Windows Wraps. It is quite important to express your thoughts to people that live around you such as friends, families and mates. That’s why we offer you this opportunity!

Vehicle wraps designers always depend on a strong sense of creativity and artistic vision. Standing out as a vehicle wrap designer demands work that is a bit stylish, extremely unique, functional and in most cases, practical. Designers often must be able to envision designs that look good while meeting basic needs. They must be able to sketch designs and express their visions through illustrations on paper or computers. They also must be able to craft prototypes of new wraps and see how they need to be refined.
Fashion is part of our lives today and we make it shiny and unique which attracts other people’s attention.  You can make your vehicle talk!! By giving us the opportunity to add your touch of fashion to your vehicle wrap or even your window wraps.

Book a free consultation now!
07 512 753 936

 [IVB1]Hyperlink to website on vehicle bright related to windows wraps. 

Monday 28 April 2014

What about wrapping windows???

What about wrapping windows???

So you’ve got a store. Maybe you’re wondering what window graphics can do for you, whether they’re really worth it or not. We’ll give you a hint! Here are three secrets about store window graphic advertising that you may not have thought of:

1. They are perfect for seasonal promotions.

The beauty of window graphics is that they are easy to install and remove, and their design can be customized to be relevant for whatever season or holiday is coming up.
Both passers-by and regular clients will respond to changing and new things. Each time you change your storefront to reflect the season, you will have a whole new chance to capture people’s attention – especially if they walk by your store every day and have stopped noticing it.

2. They will draw impulse buyers into your store.

Depending on where your storefront is, you may have hundreds or thousands of pedestrians walking by each day. They are busy on errands, going to and from work, shopping, or maybe grabbing coffee.
A window graphic makes an impression on every person who passes your store. A good window graphic will encourage some of those pedestrians to make the snap decision to enter your store.
Putting up a graphic that really piques people’s interest will draw people in to see what you have to offer.

3. They can be a cost-effective remodel for your store front.

You want to make a good first impression, don’t you? First impressions can last a long time.
Shoppers make fast judgements about whether or not they are interested in your store. Most of the time, this will be based on your store’s physical appearance.
So, you want your store to be inviting and friendly. A simple graphic can achieve that, for way less money than it would cost to completely redo the storefront. The best part is, if it starts to look outdated, you can just take it down and put up a new, trendy one.
If you’re wondering how to spruce up the front of your store, a custom window graphic is a smart way to go.

Monday 31 March 2014

Matte Vehicle Wrapping Vs Chrome Vehicle Wrapping You Decide!

Matte and Chrome are currently the most popular options when it comes to vehicle wrapping in Cambridgeshire. Research in 2010 by a vehicle wrapping company showed that ten times more people preferred chrome wrapping to matte wrapping for their vehicle but this seems to have changed in recent years.

In this article we put together reasons why a matte wrapped car is awesome, why a chrome wrapped car is awesome and then how each vehicle wrap needs to be cared for, then we allow you to decide if a matte wrapped vehicle or a chrome wrapped vehicle is the best option for you.

Instead of the traditional shiny look of a vehicle wrap, the matte wrapping on a car looks non-reflective and sleek, when a matte wrap on a vehicle is done well the car exudes the illusion of stealth and people’s attention is drawn towards it because of the understated look of the car.

However, many car enthusiasts opt for the chrome wrapping on a car. A chrome wrapped car is shiny, it’s brassy and almost mirror like in its reflective look. When a chrome wrapped vehicle is done well the finish looks almost exactly like real chrome itself.

If you choose matte wrapping for your car it is recommended that you clean your car at least twice a month (the same goes for any vinyl wrapped car) to remove any dust, dirt, bird poop or other things that may stain and damage the matte wrapping on the car. When cleaning the wrapped car make sure you opt for hand washing instead of going to a car wash machine as these can damage the wrap. If you need to give your matte wrapped car any quick touch ups this can be done quickly and easily with a can of matte finish, this will eliminate any staining that can be caused by pollen or dust and it will even remove the fingerprints of those admirers that got a little bit too close!

When it comes to caring for a chrome wrapped car this is a lot harder work. Although chrome wrapping is resistant to ordinary substances like dirt, oil, water and other things you and your car may come across daily the chrome wrap is more susceptible to scratches and such like. In very simple terms, even the slightest imperfection may not come out of a car wrapped in chrome. If your car is for display purposes then chrome may be the best option but if you are using the vehicle as a primary means of transportation then chrome wrapping may not be the best idea.

If you would like to talk about getting your vehicle wrapped in Cambridgeshire drop us a line, we would be happy to advise you on the best vehicle wrap for your car.

Monday 24 March 2014

How to Keep Your Vehicle Wrap Shiny & New?

Congratulations, you’ve realised that vehicles wraps are one of the most effective and affordable ways to get your brand out there locally. You’ve been to collect your gorgeous vinyl wrapped car and it looks fantastic, the colours and gloss are jumping off the vehicle and you know that it is impossible for your potential customers to miss you. In this article we tell you how you can keep your vinyl wrapped vehicle looking as good as new!
You want your wrapped vehicle to stand out when you are driving around so it’s important that you keep it looking fresh and shiny. Make sure you wax and polish your wrapped vehicle to give it the shine that makes it stand out. The only difference in polishing and waxing a vinyl wrapped car to an ordinary car is that vinyl can be easily damaged with abrasive polishes. Have a chat with your vehicle wrapping company and they will advise you on the best polish and wax to keep your branded vehicle looking fresh.
The rays of the sun can deteriorate the colour of the vinyl images over time so if you can keep your vehicle in the shade when you’re not using it this will help to keep the colours vibrant. If you don’t have a garage to store your branded vehicle in cover it with a thick cloth, blanket or cover as this will help to protect it from the sun rays.
Dependant on the vehicle wrapping company you choose to wrap your vehicle, a good quality vinyl graphic can last up to seven years if you follow these top tips for keeping it looking fresh.

If you are considering getting your vehicle wrapped in Cambridgeshire drop us a line and we will offer you a vinyl wrap that looks great for up to seven years, while protecting the paintwork underneath.

Monday 17 March 2014

Does Your Business Deliver Food?

We have been speaking to loads of businesses recently that deliver food to their customers, whether it’s the sandwiches delivered for work meetings, pizzas on a Friday night, curries on a Sunday night or even the food van you can grab your kebab from any time of the day or night.

These guys have been using their vans to deliver food to the hungry mouths of people in Cambridgeshire... but they’ve been using regular, run of the mill cars and vans when they could get their vehicle wrapped for less than they would imagine and therefore have free advertising wherever the food was being delivered too!
In this article we have put together some top things to consider when creating a vehicle wrap for your food delivery vehicle. Vinyl wrapping on vehicles are really effective for making your food delivery brand stand out from the rest!

It is really important to remember that colour is one of the first things a customer will see so go for bright and appealing colours. Research shows that the colour red makes people hungry but if you’re selling vegan or vegetarian foods maybe consider going for a bright green which will help show customers the freshness of the food you are delivering. Most importantly, make it impossible for your vehicle to be confused as one for another company – go unique!

There is no point having your branded vehicle driving about everywhere, making mouths water all over the county if you’re not telling the customer how to order from you. Make sure you put your company name on the vehicle along with contact details such as a website, telephone number or social media links such as facebook or twitter. You may want to consider getting a QR code designed so people can grab your details at the scan of the code?

Make sure you choose a vehicle wrapping company in Cambridgeshire that offer a professional designer, a good design can bring customers to you but a poor design can turn customers off.

It’s a fantastic idea to cover your vehicle with images of the food you sell, this is what gets people interested and as they see your wrapped vehicle drive past they will already be licking their lips at the thought of their order arriving. For this reason it is really important that you get a professional photographer to take the photos of the food for you, they are trained and experienced in making your food looks appealing in the photos. When you are blowing pictures of food up to as large as the side of a van an image from a smart phone just isn’t going to cut it!

Unlike a poster or a bill board, a vehicle has four sides so a vinyl wrap gives you the room to be as creative as you want. Speak with the vehicle wrapping company and ask them how you can make the most of the space you have. The more creative you are the more you will stand out from the competition.

Monday 10 March 2014

Is a Wrapped Vehicle Hard To Clean?

We are often asked by potential vehicle wrapping customers in Cambridgeshire if it is hard to clean a vinyl wrapped vehicle. Our customers ask us if they need to treat a vehicle wrap any different to the way in which they would treat their ordinary car. There is no real differences in cleaning a vinyl wrapped car to a normal car but we have put together some top tips for you to consider when it comes to keeping your vinyl wrapped van or car super clean.

Don’t worry – the task of maintaining that glossy shine of your vinyl graphics doesn’t require any drastic measures!

As with any car, it is highly recommended that you clean the vehicle regularly to care for the finish of the vehicle. You want to get rid of dirt, grime, dust and yuckier things such as bird poop before they get a chance to stick to the vinyl covering of your car.

When it is ‘wash day’ for your car or van it’s probably best you choose to wash it yourself instead of taking it to the car wash as these places use rough and abrasive brushes that may damage your vinyl, or the extra powerful jet sprays may encourage your vinyl to peel off or weaken.

Washing the vinyl wrapped car yourself is not a hard task and can be very enjoyable and rewarding, especially on a sunny warm day. You need to ensure you use a soft cloth to clean the car as this will avoid the risk of accidently scratching the surface of the wrap.

The products you use to wash the car should ideally be chemical free and alcohol free as you will find these products are easier to rinse off and won’t damage the exterior of your vehicle. If you would like advice on which products to use for cleaning your vinyl wrapped car in Cambridgeshire drop us a line. We are always happy to help.

Thursday 27 February 2014

FREE Advertisement Space

If you saw a large space – the size of a lorry or a car that stated ‘FREE Advertisement Space’ you would jump at the chance wouldn’t you. After all, who doesn’t want space to advertise! And not have to pay for that space... well that’s an added bonus for sure!

If you or your business owns a car or vehicle then this is free advertising space for your business. You can put advertisements all over your vehicle with the help of vehicle wrapping. You can put your company name, your contact details, services you offer or even details of your business on social media sites. Have a think about what you would put in a free advertising space and put that on your vehicle.

Vinyl wrapping for vehicles is still recognised as one of the fastest growing industries and is more definitely an area of advertising and design that turns the heads of people of all ages, sexes and backgrounds wherever they are and whatever they are doing.

Let’s think about it – your vehicle is a free space of advertisements and is on the move all the time and constantly on show to the world whether you are at a clients office, at your own home or even out shopping at the weekend. Vehicle wrapping is the advertisement that never sleeps. Through a vehicle wrap you could be showing off your products, services and business brand twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 364 days a year – making a vehicle wrap the most cost effective form of advertising for any business.

It is estimated that a vehicle wrap can generate around 12million advertising opportunities every single year – what other advertising platform can create that much visibility and opportunity?

When it comes to vehicle branding – it’s your advert on the move!

Monday 24 February 2014

What Are The Benefits Of Window Tints?.

Here at Vehicle Bright we are often asked what the advantages are for window tints and if it is a product we are able to offer. We are glad to confirm we can definitely offer window tinting as part of the vehicle wrapping service and we can offer it individually too. We have listed just some of the great benefits of window tints below;

  • You will find that the film of the window tint will block out around 99% of the sun’s harmful UV rays and this will help reduce the risk of fading colours on the carpets and seats inside your car.

  • The film of the window tint will help hold together shattered glass. This can be very beneficial if you were in an accident as the shattered glass will stay together and can be safely pushed outwards.

  • Thieves are not fans of window tints as it further protects your car from being broken in to, it is very hard to be pushed inwards as a thief would do when trying to break into your car.

  • The window tint film also adds an increased level of privacy as it makes a car harder to see inside, helping the reduction of thieves prying eyes.

  • Bright headlights or glares from the sun or reflective surfaces can be hazardous when driving, but much less so with window tiny film as this helps to reduce this glare making your driving experience safer.

  • When comparing film window tints to untreated glass it is proven that there is a 60% heat reduction, window films help your vehicle cool more rapidly as they reflect the blazing sun off of your vehicle.

Why not consider vehicle wraps or window tinting for your car - the benefits are endless!

Thursday 20 February 2014

The Benefits of a Car or Van Wrap

There are so many advantages to a car or van wrap, we have touched on this subject before but we always come across more and more advantages that customers point out to us. In this article we list just a few more advantages to having your vehicle wrapped.

Update the Look of Your Vehicle

Updating the look of your car or van is one of the biggest benefits to purchasing a vehicle wrap. It is not always possible to choose the dream colour for your car when the style and brand are still so important to you – this is where vehicle wrapping can help you have your dream car. You can purchase the perfect car for you and not worry about the colour finish as a vehicle wrap will sort that for you.

Wide Choice of Colours

The colours available to you when getting a can or van wrap are unlimited whether you are going for matt or metallic there are numerous colours to choose from. Currently gloss white and matt black are pretty popular, but the carbon fibre vehicle wrap is becoming very popular for sports cars too. Those really looking to stand out from the crowd are opting for chrome wrapping which make a stunning car even more stunning and eye-catching.

Protect Your Car

With vehicle wraps the vinyl wrap protects the paintwork underneath – this means the cars paintwork is protected from scratches, abrasions and everyday wear and tear that your car may get to its paintwork. However the vinyl wrapping can then be removed from the car by vehicle wrapping experts and your car is returned to its former glory or ready for a change in colour with a new vehicle wrap!

Moving Advertisement Board

As a business owner, the benefits of car wraps are huge. Your car will be free advertising space for you while the car is protected against depreciation. Vehicle wrapping is a great alternative to individual graphics on company vehicles and can really help get a brand known.

These are just some of the excellent advantages available from van or car wraps, contact us to hear more.

Monday 17 February 2014

Want To Change The Colour Of Your Car?

Changing the colour of your car or van used to be a long winded process that involved taking the vehicle to the body-shop for a re-spray and parting with years of hard earned cash that you had scrimped and saved to be able to afford to change the colour of your can or van. The results weren’t perfect either. You were left with a very empty pocket, mismatched panels, old paint colour showing on some of the inner sills, paint that faded in the sun and uneven paint finishes in some areas that could not have been avoided due to the way spray paint works.

When it comes to decals on vehicles, vinyl has seen some large successes. It was often used for advertising on your car in smaller areas and covering things like bumpers or wing mirrors but as time has gone on more and more people are choosing to get their vehicle vinyl wrapped or they are purchasing van wraps.

The vehicle wrapping process offers a near perfect finish when the vinyl wrap is applied to a vehicle with a hot air gun but it is highly recommended that trained professionals complete the vehicle wrapping for you as mistakes can be made if you are not fully trained in vehicle wraps.

The finished results are fantastic; there is no mess and no over spray that you may get with spray painting a vehicle. You will also find that you don’t need to mess around contacting the DVLA either as vinyl vehicle wrapping is classed as a temporary change to a car!

All you need to do now is get your thinking cap on – what colour will you change your car to and where will you advertise your business on your vehicle?

Thursday 13 February 2014

How to Choose the Best Vehicle Wrapping Company

You’ve decided to get your vehicle wrapped but now you need to decide which company to go to, to get the vehicle wrapping done. In this article we have put together some pointers that you need to consider when choosing the company for the vehicle wrapping.

 Ask to see a car they have wrapped. If the company is popular they will have a car in the garage that is being worked on or one that is waiting to be collected. If the company is proud of what they are doing they may even have their own car or vehicle that has been wrapped.

When looking at a car that the company has wrapped take a good look at how the vehicle wrapping company have finished it off. Check to see if there is vinyl popping out of areas as this can mean that the wrap on the car has not been finished off properly. Also have a look inside the car around the doors – has the vinyl wrapping been finished off neatly?

Every car wrapper will use scalpel but a professional car wrapping company will use scalpels carefully and ensure no marks are left. Have a look round the car for scalpel marks; you may see them around the edges of panels, round doors or round the window areas. Sadly some scalpel marks may be under the vinyl and you will not see them until the vinyl comes off so make sure you are confident with the vehicle wrapping company you choose.

Have a look at the quality of the vinyl; some vehicle wrapping companies will use a cheaper quality vinyl to save money on the car wraps. If you get a quote for a vehicle wrap that is lots less than you expected then be cautious. Ask the vehicle wrapper if they offer a warranty too and see what this involves. This way you have peace of mind if something does go wrong.

A good quality vehicle wrapping company will advise you to get rust removed and damage fixed before getting the vehicle wrapped. Vinyl wrapping is unable to cover what you can already see damage wise so may sure your car is looking perfect before you decide to get it wrapped.

Ask for references from the clients of the vehicle wrappers you choose, have a look on review sites and their website too. See what their customers say and if they’re happy with their vehicle wrap you will be happy with yours too!

Monday 10 February 2014

Funny Bus Wraps

In the world of vehicle wrapping buses are like a great big flat canvas for vehicle wrap designers to go wild on and use their imagination to produce their most amazing designs. Here are some spectacular examples of bus wraps that have got people talking.

THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

Sunday 9 February 2014

So you’ve got Your Vehicle Wrapped – What Now?

Your vehicle is all nicely wrapped, it looks great, your vehicle is now a marketing machine on wheels and you can’t wait to get driving and showing it off to all your new potential clients. But before you do that just have a quick skim through of the following details. They show you how to take care of your newly vehicle wrapped car;

A vinyl vehicle wrap isn’t delicate but it’s a good idea to take care of it, try to avoid the jet washes as it may result in damaging your vinyl wrap. Consider this when using an automated car wash too as the jet wash and rough rollers can do damage to it too. But let’s be honest – when your newly wrapped car looks this good it will be a pleasure to wash it by hand anyway!

As with all car polishes, make sure you use a brand you have tried and tested before, alternatively give us a call and we can recommend the best polish for your car that won’t damage the vinyl wrapping.
If you want to test the polish pop a small dab in an unseen area and leave it to rest for a little while, if there are no adverse effects after a few minutes then he polish is fine to use all over the car. Just make sure you are cautious when using a brand new polish that you haven’t used before for the first time.

If you or someone else causes damage to the car don’t panic. All you need to do is pop back in and see us, we can remove the wrap in the area the damage was caused and replace it. We work in panels when vehicle wrapping, so we will only take the one panel off, cover and protect the rest of the car and then replace the vinyl wrapping again. You’ll be pleased to hear that the vinyl actually protects the car from scratches in most cases and when pulling the vinyl off there will often be no damage to the paintwork of the car from the scratch.

As with any paintwork, dirt such as bird poo can damage it so make sure you wipe it off as soon as you get the chance. Washing your car at least twice a month will be really beneficial even if your car looks clean. If you car can tend to get quite dirty due to the roads you use then you may want to wash it more often – this will help keep the vinyl wrapping looking as good as new for longer.

For more top vehicle wrapping aftercare tips just drop us a line.

Friday 7 February 2014

What is a vehicle wrap?

Here at Vehicle Bright we will often be asked what a vehicle wrap is, in this article we give you a brief understanding of vehicle wrapping and some of the benefits of vehicle wrapping. If you would like to know more just drop us a line and we would be happy to answer any of your questions or even send you a link to a video of us wrapping a vehicle!

A vehicle wrap is the application of a self adhesive vinyl to a surface; in this case the surface would be your car. Our expert vehicle wrappers will use their expertise to contour the vinyl to the shape of your cars body. When the vehicle is wrapped the end result will be a full vehicle colour change with no expensive re-sprays and the original paint work is unaffected.

The great thing about a vehicle wrap is that it is not permanent. If you decide years, months or even weeks down the line that you would like your car to be another colour we can peel off the vinyl and put another vinyl colour on top. You will also find that the vinyl protects your cars original paintwork from stone chips and scratches too, working as a protective layer to your car.

If you are looking to change the colour of your car, not only will you find that vinyl wrapping is cheaper but it’s quicker too. It can take 2-3 days dependant on the vehicle and unlike paint spraying it can be removed too.

Vehicle wrapping has even improved the sale price of cars previously due to the protection to the car that the vinyl wrap offers. As the vinyl wrap is carefully peeled off by professional vehicle wrappers you will see your old car shining underneath, looking as good as new!